Using HTTPS to Secure Your Websites: An Intro to Web Security
More and more sites are switching to HTTPS. And with good reason! Security is essential in today’s complex web ecosystem: logins, online payment systems, and personal user in…
Implementing JWT Authentication on Spring Boot APIs
Securing Restful APIs With JWTs JSON Web Tokens, commonly known as JWTs, are tokens that are used to authenticate users on applications. This technology has gained popularity over …
We Need to Talk About SSL [Comic]
文章来源于互联网:We Need to Talk About SSL [Comic]
Simple Attribute-Based Access Control With Spring Security
Introduction Have you ever worked on software where the access rules are based not only on the user’s role but also on the specific entity that role was granted on (i.e. Scop…
Steps to Building Authentication and Authorization for RESTful APIs
One of the challenges to building any RESTful API is having a well thought out authentication and authorization strategy. Concerns like authentication, security, and logging are al…
A Simple Blockchain in Java
I鈥檓 sure we all have heard about cryptocurrency and blockchain and how interrelated they are, which is true too, but they are actually very different and can exist independently. C…
How JSON Web Token (JWT) Secures Your API
You’ve probably heard that JSON Web Token (JWT) is the current state-of-the-art technology for securing APIs. Like most security topics, it’s important to understand ho…
Spring Boot Security + JWT ”Hello World” Example
In this tutorial, we will be developing a Spring Boot application that makes use of JWT authentication for securing an exposed REST API. In this example, we will be making use of h…
Everything About HTTPS and SSL (Java)
Many articles, papers, and blogs have already talked about HTTPS, SSL, and web security. Nevertheless, people still miss the basics. In this article, I tried to put all things toge…
TLS/SSL Explained: TLS/SSL Terminology and Basics
In Part 1 this series we asked, What is TLS/SSL? In this part in the series, we will be describing some of the TLS/SSL terminologies. Before diving deeper into TLS, let’s first hav…