WIN10 控制台cmd乱码及永久修改编码的解决办法
WIN10 cmd控制台本来的编码是ANSI的,所以要求执行的批处理脚本编码格式也是ANSI才行,要不就两边统一都改成UTF-8处理(作为一个程序员,一般我都会统一成UTF-8编码格式),下面就介绍如何统一改成UTF-8编码格式 一、修改控制台CMD编码格式为UTF-8 我本机的系统环境: OS Name: Microsoft Windows 10 企业…
Data Analysis Using Google Cloud Data Studio
Introduction Google Cloud Data Studio is a tool for transforming data into useful reports and data dashboards. As of now, Google Data Studio has 22 inbuilt Google Connectors and 57…
2 Billion MySQL Records
Yesterday Gary Gray, a friend of mine sent me the following screenshot. He’s got a database table with 2 billion records he intends to use Magic on, and he wanted to show it …
Intro to Yelp Web Scraping Using Python
Originally published June 17, 2020 Like many programmers who hold degrees that are not even relevant to computer programming, I was struggling to learn coding by myself since 2019 …
The Comprehensive IT Guide to Diagnosing and Fixing Packet Loss
The internet runs on data. Every day, humans create at least 2.5 quintillion bytes of digital data and share a significant portion of that with the world via the internet. Whether …
What Is a Data Reliability Engineer, and Do You Really Need One?
As software systems became increasingly complex in the late 2000s, merging development and operations (DevOps) was a no-brainer. One-half software engineer, one-half operations ad…
Explaining How Kafka Works With Robin Moffatt
In this episode of Cocktails, we talk to a senior developer advocate from Confluent about Apache Kafka, the advantages that Kafka’s distributed pub-sub model offers, and how an eve…
How Does Kafka Perform When You Need Low Latency?
Most Kafka benchmarks appear to test high throughput but not low latency. Apache Kafka was traditionally used for high throughput rather than latency-sensitive messaging, but it do…
The Ultimate Guide to Data Collection in Data Science
In today’s world, data plays a key role in the success of any business. Data produced by your target audience, your competitors, information from the field you work and data your c…
The Lakehouse: An Uplift of Data Warehouse Architecture
In short, the initial architecture of the data warehouse was designed to provide analytical insights by collecting data from various heterogeneous data sources into the centralized…